Tutorial: How to Edit and Repurpose Your Multicam Live Content with EDIUS Pro 8 on Wirecast Gear
Mike Downey demonstrates how to post-produce your multicam content quickly and efficiently using Grass Valley EDIUS Pro 8 on Wirecast Gear.
Syncing the Audio
I’m going to leave mine as asynchronous right here because I’m just going to bring down Camera 1 onto the timeline to my first video. Its audio track appears right underneath it. Then I’m going to bring down Camera 2 onto the second video track, and once again there’s my audio. I’m just going to open up one channel on each one of the audio tracks, because to line this up I need to be able to see my waveform (Figure 5, below).

Figure 5. Using waveforms to sync the audio from two cameras. Click the image to see it at full size.
Once I’ve synced the audio, I have a choice. Camera 1 has the master audio from my shoot. I can just turn off the audio on the second camera, or I can right-click on it and just say Delete Parts. Once I go into the Delete Parts (Figure 6, below), all I have to do is select the audio clip with no ripple and it makes it go away.

Figure 6. Choosing the master audio with Delete Parts
Multicamera Editing in EDIUS Pro 8
Let’s start at the beginning and see how easy it is to do multicamera edit with EDIUS 8. We have our cameras lined up. We have our audio in place. What we want to do next in order to work in multicam in EDIUS 8 is come up to Mode, select it, and then select Multicam Mode. As you can see in Figure 7 (below), it looks like I have only one camera. The other one is blank because we had to adjust Camera 2 a little bit in order to make sure that the audio lined up. I have my master up here in the middle, and this is how easy it is to work in Multicam Mode.

Figure 7. Only one camera appearing in Multicam Mode
All I have to do is pick the camera by clicking on it with the left mouse button, or I can just use the number pad to select the number of the camera, such as Camera 1, Camera 2, all the way up to Camera 16. Now I can start switching between the two angles (Figure 8, below).

Figure 8. Ready to switch between cameras
When I stop, EDIUS automatically cuts everything (Figure 9, below). In other words, wherever I picked Camera 1, that’s what’s showing. But what if I were a little late with one of my camera switches? All I have to do is grab that marker, pull it back, and it’s done. Just that easy.

Figure 9. All cuts are made in the timeline.
In fact, I don’t even need to wait. If I’ve shot this footage, I know what the footage is. I could actually rush through this footage if I wanted to. All I have to do is go up to switch cameras is double-click on the camera, and EDIUS makes the switch. I can go through this footage very, very quickly if I wanted to and be able to switch back and forth between cameras. I don’t have to sit there and wait and just play it out all at once. If I want to switch a camera, I just place the cursor where that camera is and switch the camera. It’s just that easy.
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